What a year it has been for the whole world’ by Deepthi Priya

We are positive! Exclaimed in the year 2020. The word ‘positive’ has a negative vibe in this pandemic and the word ‘negative’ has a positive vibe to it.
 We saw many lost job’s, No outing, worked at home and everyone did their own work like household, and living with fear but still, we managed to survive the year 2020 that itself is an achievement.
Many would blame the year 2020 but I think it taught many lessons 👉
* We suddenly shaped ourselves in a great way. Started taking care of our health. Many have taken interest in yoga, exercise and fitness.
*Family and relationships are important. Having used to busy lives many of us never had time to spend time with family. Everyone spent time with their loved one’s, sharing everything with their families.
* Helping nature of a person came out, everyone trying to help other’s in any such way in this pandemic. We saw many real heroes.
*We came to know who are our friends and who are our enemies. We can see good vibes in them.
*Our tradition has again introduced in a great way. Cleanliness and neat maintenance have great importance in this year and it effected in a way it will be maintained forever by many year’s.
*Different skills came out from every individual, from a child to an old one.
* We saw a world with simplicity, where everyone looks after others. Everyone did their own works.
*We all live life as if we are not going to die but death is inevitable. Many of us lost our loved ones.
**With this in mind, why not live a life of compassion, kindness, love, caring, and helping others. With this wonderful spirituality we all we have learnt many lessons from the Year 2020.
Thank you.

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