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The Republic India : Inspiring National Pride and Progress
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25th January,
Voting from 26th-31st Jan

The Positive side of the year 2020 by A. Lakshmi Kumari Guptha

The year 2020 has changed our lives in ways we could never have imagined at the beginning of the year. Adapting to new environments, however, is nothing new for human. Around the world, people are feeling anxious- which is a completely normal reaction to the uncertainty we are facing
around in this year-2020. In fact, as long as this anxiety does not become overwhelming, it can be challenged into positive actions to help us cope and maintain our wellbeing.  The year 2020 is an eye-opening year to one and all. It has become common and natural to protect children and old aged from any stress or anxiety they may experience in this pandemic year. It does not mean we should avoid talking to them about how they may be feeling at this time. There are some positive effects of 2020 in this pandemic took place.


They need to practice social distancing or social isolation does not mean we cannot strengthen our connections to our support network. Keep in touch with others also, *Set up a regular time to virtually connect with family and friends.


Handwashing with soap and water has become important for everyone to learn as it prevents deceases and protects us from COVID, flu, e-cold, measles and other deceased. Moreover old aged and children have learnt that washing hands is one of the simplest, yet most effective things one can do to protect their health and the health of others.


Setting goals to achieve something meaningful, do activities for exhilaration. Work on those goals we never have time for –listening to music, read a book, painting, dancing, learning something new we ever wished to do. Emotions: Controlling emotions by exercising as it is a quick and effective way to distract ourselves from negative thoughts and manage emotions like anxiety or depression. For this most of the people practised- go for a walk, run or join virtual Yoga classes.


Everyone has realized the importance of the need to support others. Health departments supported enormously by improving the facilities like Oxygen, beds, medicines, etc. Strict lockdown and social distancing measures are taken by governments have brought a drastic change in the people’s lifestyle. Financial help: NGO’s and Government has given relief in the lives of needy to some extent. For instance, the Bollywood actor Sonu Sood and few others have shown the generosity by coming forward to connect people in the RI


Digital technology also improved employing digitalizing shopping, online-payments and in many ways. Many of the people adopted savings in this
pandemic period of 2020


Notwithstanding the significant economic disruption caused by the COVID 2020, long-term effects on employment and innovation may be mitigated by taking steps now support existing start-ups and the creation of new medical equipment, home delivery, food processing, e
Germany has announced a tailored start capital financing, and the UK has announced a co facing financial difficulties.


The year 2020 does little shows that global lockdowns had a significant and gases, with daily levels in April 2020 falling by 17% compared with 2019 have decreased compared to previous years.

As the world returned to work, emissions rose and by June were within 5% of the previous year. Over 2020, the expectation is that emissions will fall 4
that we need long-term, inclusive, clean transitions to tackle the climate crisis and achieve sustainable development,” said UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, in a foreword to the report. Everyone has realized the importance of the need to support others.
Health departments supported enormously by improving the facilities like Oxygen, beds, etc. Strict lockdown and social distancing measures are taken by governments have a drastic change in people’s lifestyle. NGO’s and Government has given relief in the lives of needy to some extent. For
instance, the Bollywood actor Sonu Sood and few others have shown the generosity by coming forward to connect people in the right path. As everything they do is very special. Digital technology also improved using digitalizing payments and in many ways. Many of the people adopted savings in this pandemic period of 2020, and many learnt to adjust with the belongings they possess. Notwithstanding the significant economic disruption caused by the COVID term effects on employment and innovation may be mitigated by taking steps now ups and the creation of new firms like telemedicine, remote personal care, medical equipment, home delivery, food processing, e-commerce. Germany has announced a tailored start-up aid programme, expanding and facilitating venture capital financing; and the UK has announced a co-financing fund for innovative companies
The year 2020 does little positive to slow climate change. shows that global lockdowns had a significant and immediate impact on emissions of the greenhouse with daily levels in April 2020 falling by 17% compared with 2019. The emission of Co2 has decreased compared to previous years. As the world returned to work, emissions rose and by June were within 5% of the previous year. Over 2020, the expectation is that emissions will fall 4-7%. “ Never before has it been so clear term, inclusive, clean transitions to tackle the climate crisis and achieve sustainable development,” said UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, in a foreword to the Everyone has realized the importance of the need to support others.
Health departments supported enormously by improving the facilities like Oxygen, beds, etc. Strict lockdown and social distancing measures are taken by governments have NGO’s and Government has given relief in the lives of needy to some extent. For instance, the Bollywood actor Sonu Sood and few others have shown generosity by coming right path. As everything they do is very special. Digital technology also improved through digitalizing – education, payments and in many ways. Many of the people adopted savings in this NY learnt to adjust with the belongings they possess. Notwithstanding the significant economic disruption caused by the COVID-19 in term effects on employment and innovation may be mitigated by taking steps now to medicine, remote personal care, up aid programme, expanding and facilitating venture financing fund for innovative companies
to slow climate change. The study the immediate impact on emissions of greenhouse Co2

As the world returned to work, emissions rose and by June were within 5% of the previous year. “ Never before has it been so clear
term, inclusive, clean transitions to tackle the climate crisis and achieve sustainable development,” said UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres.


The entire world learnt that 2020 is an eye-opening year. It has brought a drastic change in education, health and hygiene. Reformation took place in the form of new investments, new lifestyles. Yet reforms should take place to protect nature. Buying unnecessary things were avoided and savings were adopted by most of the people. Let’s work hard every day, do exercise, eat good and healthy food. Let’s not waste food, save water, electricity and fuel. Plant and grow trees. Now, we are matured enough to face any crisis, because 2020 taught us how to overcome the hurdles and be confident. Hope the new year brings us a ray of hope which brings vaccination to cure COVID-19. We must turn the recovery from the pandemic into a real opportunity to build a better future. We need science, solidarity and solutions.

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