✨✨ Republic Day Essay Contest is Here!! ✨✨
Write an Article on
The Republic India : Inspiring National Pride and Progress
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Last Date for Submission is :
25th January,
Voting from 26th-31st Jan



The covid 19 has resulted in schools shut all across the world. During this coronavirus pandemics, there is a sudden shift in direction. Teachers, along with their students, families and cooperating teachers, had to rise to the occasion when schools suddenly closed down and turned to virtual learning.

This made me realize that” Amid the chaos, there is also  opportunity”

I saw that teachers started using online platforms like Google Classroom, sharing ideas with other teachers on Zoom,  and chatting via text, phone, Google Hangout and email with their students. Education has changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on all digital platforms.

Thanks to these platforms. Research suggests that online learning has shown rapid learning and an increase in retention of informati0n.

AS MARCUS AURELIUS SAID” You have power over your mind — not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.

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I realized the importance of disseminating knowledge.  I would like to say that major world events are often an inflexion point for rapid innovation. While we have yet to see whether this will apply to e-learning post-COVID-19. What has been made clear through this pandemic is the importance of disseminating knowledge across borders, companies, and all parts of society. If online learning technology can play a role here, it is incumbent upon all of us to explore its full potential.

Here started my journey of preparing online lessons. Thanks to our DEO, Vijaya Kumari madam. She has been the pioneer of starting a website, MEDCHALBADI.COM. A team was formed in each subject. Under the guidance of GHM Gopal sir, the team started working.


I have done a lot of sessions for the website and still doing more. Each time I am challenging myself and the output is getting refined. I keep enjoying preparing the lessons. I am working hard, spending many hours in a day preparing the sessions and I received a lot of appreciation not only from my coordinators but also my team members. It is a challenging task. This is a great effort by us as it is designed for the Government school children.

I believe that this hybrid model of education will emerge, with significant benefits. I believe that the integration of information technology in education will be further accelerated and that online education will eventually become an integral component of school education.

I would like to end with a quotation by Joseph Campbell :

Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging.

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