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25th January,
Voting from 26th-31st Jan

My own experience of online education or online classes – by Revalli Naresh

I feel very happy to learn about online classes. It’s really good. I am very proud of developing our technology. In our country some states like Telangana, Andrapradesh

start online classes in TVs for classes 3erd to 10th. I am understanding online classes very well. After the completion of the class, I clarified

My doubts with the teacher in the phone calls.  I have written test also in online. Online classes were started in TVs it is okay, but how to know to the teachers students are listening to the classes Or not? students may get doubt he is called to the teacher, but one teacher how can manage the whole students in the online class one day because the next day another subject class is there. How can know to the teacher, the class is understanding or not to the students?

In online classes teacher‘s play a vital role, they were trying to tell online classes good, a better understanding for students and to the make students intelligent. We are telling gratitudes to our great teachers. Teachers asking questions on today’s session, to find out students are listening to the classes.

But l am also feeling so sad because in our country some people are very poor. They all are daily labour, it is a very big task to buy a mobile phone and recharge it. How their children can learn? In some town and villages which is out of cities, have a poor internet connection.

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In Telangana State online classes are running in TVs, at a particular time for a particular class. Yet the time of running class power may be cut off, what is the situation of students if students do not have a mobile phone. Students have missed the class. In any family the function is happening, children in that family have a chance to miss the class, what can children do to participate in function or to listening online class?

If children’s Parents are uneducated, how they know their children are listening to the class or not, playing games. And online classes are understanding or not to their children. How do they know their children are writing the homework? And they are submitting homework part-time or late?

Some People are lives in forest area &hilly regions like tribals, it is very difficult to set up cell towers in that particular area. How they can learn online?. A particular area has a very poor signal connection, internet connection.

The idea of Online education is good and well, but it does not reach to every student, it reaches too few of them only. First of all, we have to Improve our network connection, internet connections and set up a new cell tower. After that online education will be a success and it will reach every student. Online education changes our  Indian education system and it turns as good revolution, it develops our technology well. So our country inspiration to there countries.


Thank you For knowing my experience on

                                                                      Online classes.

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