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How to run school in this pandemic situation – by Sadiqa

About 1 year ago, we detected a mysterious Virus named CORONA VIRUS that was inflecting respiratory disease like a symptom and these days, as we all know most of the countries has been in a standstill position. Approximately 4 billion human beings around the world are in some type of LOCKDOWN because of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The symptoms of covid-19 are cough, fever, dry cough, chest pain, tiredness. Covid-19 spread all over the world. Due to the fast-spreading of covid-19, the government of India declared the lockdown in March. Due to this lockdown, everything is closed, for example – shops, malls, cinema hall, school, colleges, transports, etc.

Now, India has an unlock situation. If the government wants to reopen the schools in this pandemic then, we must take many precautions like wearing masks, social distancing, sanitization, wearing gloves, measuring temperature. It is important to take precautions both inside and outside the classrooms and schools. This article aims to support students as well as teachers with many information and suggestions.

 As schools reopen, most of the things will depend on teachers because they must ensure that children will be able to continue their education with all the precautions. Schools should have facilities like IR guns for measuring body temperature at the school gate, sanitizer at the school gate as well as in each classroom, physical distancing in lab, library, classrooms. After dispersal school should be sanitized properly. The school bags of a student consist of a sanitizer, face mask, and gloves.

 If any person in the school experienced the symptoms of covid-19 then a person must not attend the school and go to the hospital for a covid-19 test. If the result is negative then only, he/she can continue their education, but if the result is positive, a person should have to be quarantined at home until they became well.

We should also maintain physical distancing of 1 meter between everyone present in school. There should be a standard gap between two seats. The student should stay in one class throughout the day and only one person should be allowed for the washroom at once. We can also use barriers, tape, signs, ground marking, for maintaining physical distancing. The student should not make groups at the end of the day. We should also maintain rules in the transportation of school as sanitization of our hands-on entry and exit gate. Again, there should be a proper distance between 2 students. Teachers should encourage the student to follow all the guidelines. Everyone should sanitize their hand after every period and if someone does not have their sanitizer, so he/she can wash their hands for up to 20 to 30 seconds. One should not remove the mask throughout the day.

 But in lockdown, we learn many new things like a new method of education by online classes. In a lockdown, some responsible people never give up like policemen, doctors, sweepers, nurses, etc. At last, I would like to include one line that

if we want to overcome from this pandemic situation we have to come together by following the government guideline.

stay home, stay safe.

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