“Success” means differently to different people. As for a businessman success means his company making its way to the first position, for a shopkeeper it
Category: March 2021

Focus x Time = Results The Secret behind victorious Students Stop cramming. … No extra harmful critique. … Curtail your organic compound intake. … Deflate

విద్యార్థుల విజయానికి సోపానాలు అందరికి నమస్కారం. Smart articles లో భాగంగా నాకు తెలిసిన కొన్ని విషయాలు 5- సోపానాలుగా వ్రాయడం జరిగింది. అవి 1. క్రమశిక్షణ:

1. AVOID DISTRACTIONS Disturbances from the other way will be there in your way. When you concentrate on anything keenly you are up to learn

There is a specific meaning of success and how to become a successful person. But some great people tried to explain success and found the